Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week One - The small, still voice

The initial inspiration for my soon to be published children's book came from a crooked tree on the grounds of The Inn at Spanish Bay, in Pebble Beach, California, back in 1993. Since the story was written in 1995, I have waited patiently for the small, still voice that speaks to us all from time to time to encourage me to share this sweet story with you. I was delighted when the time finally came in April of  2011.  Since then, I have diligently been working to complete each step necessary for publication.  I have to admit, at times I wonder if I'm being tested because during the past few months, I've experienced setbacks, felt discouraged, and had moments of doubt.  Even so, I truly believe that there is a purpose for it all and I will obey the still small voice that has spoken to me.

So, it seems only fitting that my first topic for discussion should be about waiting for and listening to... the small, still voiceI invite you to share one of your experiences, or perhaps a thought on the subject, with me and those who have joined this link.  Pam